ECNEC Approves ML-1 Upgrade

ECNEC Approves ML-1 Upgrade

The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) met under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar in Islamabad. The Upgradation of Pakistan Railways existing main Line-1 (ML-1) was approved at re-modified scope, with directions that the Phase I of the Project i.e. 929 km from Karachi to Multan will be taken up as a priority. The ECNEC also considered and approved a project titled “Flood Response Emergency Housing Project (Phase-I), to be funded through a loan from the Asian Development Bank. The project aims to support the flood-affected people in Sindh through the community-led reconstruction of more than 250,000 flood-resilient houses. The ECNEC also considered and approved four water sector projects including the Government of Punjab’s project namely “Construction of Dadhocha Dam (revised)” on. The project will help bridge water deficiency in Rawalpindi through the supply of 35 MGDs of water. Other water sector-approved projects included the Gomal Zam Multipurpose project, the Raising of Mangla Dam project, and the Golen Gol Hydropower project. All three projects are now moving toward closure. “Development of Integrated Transit Trade Management System” was also approved by the forum. The project envisages the construction and development of state-of-the-art Border Crossing Points at Torkham, Chaman, and Wahga, the establishment of a Land Port Authority, digital end-to-end tracking of containerized cargo, etc. ECNEC further approved the “Karachi Neighborhood Improvement Project (KNIP)” and extended its implementation period by six months to 31st December 2024. The project aims to enhance the accessibility, usability, and attractiveness of public spaces like roads, streets, parks, open spaces, and public buildings in selected neighborhoods of Karachi. ECNEC also approved the Construction of a Border Terminal at Pakistan-Afghanistan Border Badini and the upgradation of a 40-km long road from Murgha Faqirzai to Khan Dagar Main Badini Road in district Saifullah.

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