Former PM Says Current Budget is the Worst in Pakistan’s History

Former PM Says Current Budget is the Worst in Pakistan’s History

Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Monday said that the budget presented by the incumbent federal government is the worst in Pakistan’s history. Speaking at a press conference alongside former Finance Minister Miftah Ismail, Abbasi said the budget would prove disastrous for the country, economy, and the people. He went on to say that either this budget will survive or the country. He highlighted that the government has put a further tax burden on the salaried class and lamented that even basic items like milk have been taxed. The former premier said that the government could have avoided all the additional taxes if it only curbed the smuggling of diesel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Speaking on the occasion, former Finance Minister Miftah Ismail also criticized the government and blamed the government rather than the International Monetary Fund for backbreaking taxation measures. He pointed out that instead of following IMF’s recommendations of taxing untaxed sectors, the government has put more burden on the salaried class.

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