Kohinoor Spinning Mills to Increase Its Authorized Share Capital to Rs. 3 Billion

Kohinoor Spinning Mills to Increase Its Authorized Share Capital to Rs. 3 Billion

The Board of Directors (BOD) of Kohinoor Spinning Mills Limited (PSX: KOSM) in their meeting held on Wednesday 07th August 2024 at the registered office of the Company has considered and decided to increase its Authorized Share Capital from Rs. 2.2 billion divided into 440 million ordinary shares of Rs. 5/- each to Rs. 3 billion divided into 600 million ordinary shares of Rs. 5/- each. KOSM has authorized its CEO to consider proposals for business diversification and to take all steps necessary. Other proposals approved by the company include: The company is engaged in the business of textile spinning. At the time of filing, KOSM’s scrip at the bourse was Rs. 5.78, down 1.03 percent or Rs. 0.06 with 45.1 million shares on Thursday.

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