Minorities Play Significant Role in Development of Pakistan: FPCCI

Minorities Play Significant Role in Development of Pakistan: FPCCI

Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) officials in their latest statement on the occasion of National Minorities Day paid tribute to the minorities living in Pakistan for their big role in the development and prosperity of the country. President FPCCI Atif Ikram Sheikh has said in a message regarding National Minorities Day that the Constitution of Pakistan provides complete protection for the rights of minorities. “Peace and stability in the country, unity, and unity among religions are possible only through harmony. The founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in his speech on August 11, 1947, declared minorities as equal citizens.  Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted to make Pakistan a great country in the world,” he said. Chairman Capital Office Karim Aziz Malik has said that the minorities living in Pakistan consider themselves safe.  Pakistanis follow the orders of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.  In the wake of the August 11 speech, National Minorities Day is celebrated on August 11 every year. Vice President FPCCI Tariq Jadoon said that minorities in Pakistan have full religious freedom.  The people of Pakistan, including the government, fully protect the rights of minorities, he added. Chairman Coordination Capital Office Malik Sohail said that the best legislation regarding minorities was made in Pakistan. The National Day of Minorities is celebrated in Pakistan in a grand manner, he added.

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