National Assembly Approves Increase in Travel Allowances of Lawmakers

National Assembly Approves Increase in Travel Allowances of Lawmakers

The National Assembly Friday approved an amendment proposed by the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) to increase the allowances of its members. The amendment, proposed by PPP’s Abdul Qadir Patel, aims to increase the perks and privileges for members of parliament. Under the amendment, passed by a majority vote, the travel allowance for members of parliament has been raised from Rs. 10 per kilometer to Rs. 25 per kilometer, an increase of 150 percent. Moreover, the unused annual airline tickets for members of parliament will now carry over to the following year instead of being canceled. This is not all, the number of annual travel vouchers has also been increased to 30, from the previous figure of 25. Under the amendment, the responsibility for determining the salaries and allowances of members of parliament will now be with the finance committee of the respective house. Previously, the responsibility was with the federal government.

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