NEPRA Notifies Rs. 3.3 Per Unit Electricity Tariff Hike for July Bills

NEPRA Notifies Rs. 3.3 Per Unit Electricity Tariff Hike for July Bills

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on Friday notified a Rs. 3.33 per unit increase in the price of electricity in terms of fuel charges adjustment (FCA) for ex-Wapda distribution companies (DISCOs). The increase will be shown separately in the consumers’ bills on the basis of units billed to the consumers in the month of May 2024. DISCOs will reflect the fuel charges adjustment in respect of May 2024 in the billing month of July 2024. The power regulator said tha the increase would be applicable to all the consumer categories except Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) and lifeline consumers. It is pertinent to mentioned here that the regulator has also called a public hearing on July 8 regarding the motion of the federal government to jack up the average national tariff by Rs. 5.72 per unit, effective from July 1.

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