Sui Gas Supply System in Serious Danger Due to Pressure

Sui Gas Supply System in Serious Danger Due to Pressure

The country’s gas transmission and distribution system is in danger, with line pressure swelling to a dangerous 5.13 billion cubic feet after May 5. The gas transmission pressure was manageable when at 4.57-4.97 bcf during 5-25 May, but the system came under pressure on 25-26 May due to a reduction in the power sector’s use of re-gasified liquefied natural gas (RLNG), reported a national daily. Authorities have started reducing gas flows from local gas fields into the SNGPL system. This measure, while necessary to manage line pack pressure, poses significant risks to maintaining current production levels at local gas fields. Data from May 26 shows the line pack pressure at 5.13 bcf. Local exploration and production companies have reduced gas flows by 176 MMCF from 783 MMCF to 605 MMCF, which is dangerous. The power sector has reduced RLNG usage to just 475 MMCF for electricity generation. This puts more pressure on the gas transmission system. Fertilizer sector consumption was 52 MMCF, up from 40 MMCF the previous day. Fatima Fertilizer has used only 24 MMCF of RLNG (since reopening last week). Engro Fertilizer suspended system gas consumption on April 22 for a 54-day ATA. The data indicates that high-pressure conditions persist throughout the transmission network due to the reduced offtake of RLNG.

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