Govt Decides to Limit DRAP’s Power By Forming New Independent Drug Pricing Body

Govt Decides to Limit DRAP’s Power By Forming New Independent Drug Pricing Body

The federal government has decided to establish a new and independent regulatory body to oversee the pricing of life-saving drugs. This way, the government will reduce the authority of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) and address ongoing issues of drug shortages and pending pricing cases. The Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association (PPMA) has supported the initiative. The new body is expected to operate separately from drug registration functions, a practice common in other countries, to ensure medicines remain available in the market. The decision follows a directive from Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, with a committee led by Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar currently reviewing global practices to guide the formation of the new entity. The committee also suggested including provincial representation in the body. Earlier this year, the caretaker federal cabinet deregulated prices for non-essential medicines, a move which was applauded by the pharmaceutical industry.

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